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Products We Grow

  • Citrus trees & fig trees
  • Mediterranean fruit trees
  • Warm-temperate fruit trees
  • Jam & marmalade

About Our Farm

Nursery and demonstration orchard

In the nursery, we have hundreds of specialty fruit trees for sale –
citrus (lemons, limes, navel & mandarin oranges, kumquats, kaffir,
tangelos, yuzu, sudachi), olives, feijoa (pineapple guava) plus figs,
pomegranates, medlar, mulberries, kiwi, tea, goji & chilean guava.

In our demonstration orchard – we specialize in growing dwarf fruit
trees, citrus and sub tropicals – heritage and family favourites
including unusual, connoisseur and hard-to-find varieties.

We grow many varieties of apples, pears, plums, grapes, kiwi, quince,
lemons, limes, oranges, pomegranates, feijoa, figs, olives, cherries,
peaches, apricots, nectarines, medlar, persimmons, pawpaws and berries.
Marmalade made from our OWN citrus and jams from our OWN fruit.

Request appointments Monday to Saturday, 10 to 5. Closed Sundays.